Mr. Muhammad Zargham Eshaq Khan, Vice President of National Engineering Services Pakistan Pvt. Limited (NESPAK), has assumed the charge of Acting Managing Director of NESPAK, effective May 31, 2023. This appointment follows the approval of the Board of Directors of NESPAK. Mr. Zargham Eshaq Khan will be responsible for overseeing the company’s affairs. Mr. Zargham Eshaq Khan is a highly regarded professional engineer with an impressive academic and professional background. He holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and an MSc in Optics and Illumination Engineering from UET Lahore. Since joining NESPAK in 1993, he has served in various key positions, including his most recent role as VP/Head of the New Ventures Division.
With over 30 years of experience in the field of engineering, Mr. Zargham Eshaq Khan has developed expertise in policy and finance management in Pakistan’s power sector. He has been involved in significant projects such as the development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework agreement and the settlement of international arbitration disputes related to the power sector in Pakistan. He has also played a crucial role in the implementation of power sector reform programs under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank. Furthermore, he has represented Pakistan in energy dialogues with the United States, as well as in SAARC, Pakistan-Russia, and Pakistan-Turkey energy forums. Mr. Zargham Eshaq Khan has served on the Board of Directors of various power sector entities, including power distribution companies (LESCO, GEPCO, PESCO, and MEPCO), power generation companies (GENCO III), Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO), Power Holding Private Ltd (PHPL), and Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA-G). During his tenure as MD of PEPCO, he was instrumental in managing the power sector and implementing a devolution plan for power sector reform. As the CEO of PHPL, he successfully completed Pakistan’s largest debt swap Sukuks, totaling Rs 400 billion, and managed power holding debt and loans amounting to Rs 600 billion with various financial institutions and banks. Mr. Zargham is also credited with introducing Islamic financing in the power sector.
For approximately 10 years, Mr. Zargham Eshaq Khan served as Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Energy Power Division, where he held additional roles as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of power sector entities. Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Zargham Eshaq Khan has maintained an impeccable reputation for his integrity and efficiency. He is known for his adherence to rules and regulations. As the head of NESPAK, a premier consultancy organization in Pakistan, he is poised to contribute significantly to its growth and the engineering fraternity through his exceptional management skills and extensive experience.