Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday said that the roots of the mutinous attack on the state, its symbols and sensitive installations on May 9 lay in the contents of Imran Niazi’s speeches over the past year. On Twitter, the prime minister said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan had liberally deployed religious imagery to brand his political agitation as a war between truth and falsehood. Imran Khan had also relentlessly maligned and attacked the armed forces and the sitting Army Chief and very cunningly prepared his cult with the slogans of “Haqeeqi Azadi” aimed at inciting them to violence we witnessed on May 9. “Listen to his speeches and you will get your answers,” the prime minister tweeted with the hashtag #SayNoTo9thMay.
Meanwhile, the civil society on Wednesday carried out rallies here in front of Bala Hisar Fort to express unwavering solidarity with the Pakistan Army and the Frontier Corps. A large number of people, students, former and present government officials, local leaders and youth participated in the rally. They raised enthusiastic slogans in favor of Pakistan Army and Frontier Corps and praised the brave soldiers. The participants were carrying placards inscribed with pro-army and pro-Frontier Corps messages. They expressed gratitude and appreciation for the steadfastness and patience shown by the soldiers of Pak Army and Frontier Corps North during violent protest on May 9 and 10.
In a united voice, the participants of the rallies strongly condemned the May 9 attacks on defense establishments. They urged the government to take decisive action against those responsible for these acts of aggression, and punish them severely. During the rallies, the speakers reiterated their unwavering commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistan Army and other law enforcement agencies. They acknowledged the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan Army and Frontier Corps for the establishment of peace in the tribal districts.